Throat Chakra guide: Meaning, Healing, Balancing

The fifth chakra in the chakra system is throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha. The Sanskrit word shuddhi means “to purify”, this chakra is often referred to as a purification center as it purifies the opposites and balances them.

Vishuddha is also known as a nectar and poison centre. It is this center where the divine fluid (amrita/nectar) from Bindu is said to descend down splitting into nectar and poison, the poison is discarded and nectar rejuvenates and vitalizes the whole body.

This center is associated with communication, self expression, sound and vibration. An open throat chakra enables clear communication, you are able to express yourself easily, speak your truth and your voice begins to sound sweet.

At the level of throat chakra one begins to flow with life rather than resist it. The struggles of lower chakras fear, ego, attachment dissolve into a higher state of acceptance. 


Names: Vishuddha, Throat

Meaning: Very pure

Location: Neck region, throat, carotid plexus

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Symbol: A blue sixteen-petaled lotus surrounding a white circle, representing purity and communication.

Element/Tattva: Akasha/Ether

Element Color: Smoky purple

Element Shape (Yantra): Crescent

Number of Petals: Sixteen-petalled violet lotus

Beeja Mantra/Seed sound: Ham

Frequency: 741 Hz

Seed Sound Carrier: Elephant (gaja)

Seed sounds of the petals: am, aam, im, eem, um, oom, rim, reem, lrim, lreem, em, aim, om, aum, am, ah

Aspects: Knowledge

Associated Gland: Thyroid and parathyroid glands

Associated Body Parts: Throat, mouth, vocal cords, and neck

Sense Organ: Ears

Predominant sense: Hearing

Associated auric layer: The fifth layer Etheric Template Body

Kosha: Vijnanamaya kosha

Air/Vayu prana: Udana

Plane: Human plane (Jana Loka)

Clair: Clairaudience (clear hearing)


Visshudha is located directly behind the adam apple along the spine. Just place your finger on the Adam apple and the other finger at the backside so they align horizontally. 


Throat chakra is traditionally represented by a lotus flower with sixteen petals, corresponding to the number of nadis associated with this centre. On each petal is a letter: am, aam, im, eem, um, oom, rim, reem, lrim, lreem, em, aim, om, aum, am, ah inscribed in crimson color.

The sixteen petals represent sixteen important mental modifications, some of the letters are connected to musical sounds.

Am: Pranava

Aam: Udgitha







Lrim: Amrita

Lreem: Nishad

Em: Rishabha

Aim: Gandhar

Om: Shadja

Aum: Madhyam

Am: Dhaivat

Ah: Pancham

In the lotus is a circle white in color representing the ether or akasha element. Within this circle is the seed carrier snow white elephant which also symbolizes ether element. Over it lies the seed sound HAM on its bindu residing Panchavaktra Shiva and Shakti Shakini.

Behavioral Characteristics


  • Talking excessively without listening, dominating conversations.
  • Interrupting others or speaking aggressively.
  • Gossiping, lying, or exaggerating the truth.
  • Overly opinionated or argumentative, forcing views on others.
  • Speaking too fast or too loudly.
  • Verbal manipulation and using words to control others.
  • Frequent sore throat, thyroid issues, or tension in the neck.


  • Fear of speaking up and difficulty expressing thoughts.
  • Soft-spoken, shy, or feeling invisible.
  • Holding back emotions and opinions, fear of judgment or rejection.
  • Difficulty setting boundaries and saying ‘no’.
  • Feeling misunderstood or unheard.
  • Struggling to find the right words, stuttering, hesitation.
  • Chronic throat issues, lump in throat, hoarseness, throat infections.


  • You speak your truth clearly and confidently.
  • You express yourself authentically without fear.
  • You listen actively and communicate with kindness.
  • Balanced speech, not too much or too little.
  • Healthy boundaries and ability to say ‘no’
  • Creative self-expression flows naturally, writing, singing, speaking.
  • Strong, clear voice and healthy throat.

Practices to balance this chakra

There are various ways to stimulate and balance a chakra, some of them are meditating on the chakra point, yoga exercises, consuming foods that affect organs related to that chakra, sound healing, aromatherapy etc.

Balancing a chakra involves working directly with the chakra point, and body parts associated with it.

Before we move on to the techniques, here are body parts, organs and glands associated with this chakra:

Associated Organs & Body Parts

  • Throat
  • Vocal cords
  • Esophagus
  • Neck and shoulders
  • Jaw
  • Ears
  • Thyroid gland

Associated Gland

  • Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands: Regulate metabolism, calcium balance, and overall energy levels.

Yoga Exercises

These yogic exercises involve mudras, asanas, pranayama and bandhas that directly work with this chakra. With intention, focus and consistency you are bound to see good results.


  • Ujjayi (Ocean Breath)
  • Bhramari (Bee Breath) 


  • Lateral Shoulder Stretches
  • Shoulder Shrugs
  • Neck Stretches
  • Seated Yoga Mudra 
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Bridge Pose
  • Matsyasana: Fish Pose
  • Bhujangasana: Cobra
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana: Down Dog
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana: Revolved Side Angle Pose
  • Ustrasana: Camel Pose
  • Kakasana: Crow Pose or Bakasana: Crane Pose
  • Sasangasana: Rabbit Pose
  • Salamba Sarvangasana: Shoulder Stand
  • Halasana: Plow Pose


  • Akash Mudra – Touch middle finger to thumb.


  • Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock)


Crystals are easy to use, every crystal has its own unique frequency just like our energy centers. 

There are many ways to use crystals like programming them with intention and repetition, wearing them or keeping them close, meditating on them, putting them on chakra points etc. 

You don’t need to have them all, just go for the ones you feel drawn to.

  • Lapis Lazuli – Have deep blue color with golden flecks, helps with truth, self-expression and inner wisdom.
  • Blue Apatite – Bright blue color with semi-translucent appearance, used for confidence in communication and clarity.
  • Aquamarine – Crystal clear with pale blue color, used for calming, clear speech and emotional balance
  • Sodalite – Deep blue in color with white streaks, helps with logical thinking, truth and self-awareness.
  • Turquoise – Blue-green in color with opaque appearance, used for protection and honest self-expression.


Every chakra is associated with a certain part of the brain, aromatherapy influences and stimulates certain parts of the brain which affects the nervous system and body chemistry. 

It’s very powerful, you surely have had experience how foul smells make you feel awful and there are fragrances that uplift mood or create a certain type of environment.

You can use them in multiple ways like using essential oil diffuser for your space, direct application on the chakra point, in baths, direct inhalation or massaging with them.

  • Eucalyptus – Have fresh camphoraceous and cool scent, helps to clear blockages and enhances clear speech.
  • Tea Tree – Herbal medicinal sharp scent, it purifies and strengthens self-expression.
  • Spearmint – Have a sweet fresh and minty scent, it encourages confident and articulate speech.
  • Blue Chamomile – Floral calming slightly fruity scent, it helps with deep, authentic communication.
  • Sage – Earthy herbal slightly spicy scent, it clears negativity.


Food is a really essential part of our lives, it can act as medicine or poison depending on how you use it.

Every chakra is associated with a certain element, gland, body parts and organs, the food mentioned are the ones that affect these parts of the body, not to mention every food has its own vibration, it’s all energy.

  • Blue Fruits & Vegetables – Blueberries, blackberries, plums, elderberries
  • Hydrating & Soothing Foods – Coconut water, herbal teas, honey, lemon water
  • Sea-Based Foods – Seaweed, kelp, chlorella, fish (rich in omega-3)
  • Soft & Smooth Foods – Soups, broths, smoothies

Sound Healing

Sound healing is yet another powerful way to work with our energy centers. Sound vibrations affect our brains and body, every organ and energy center in the body has a specific frequency. Using right tuning instruments you can bring balance to any organ or energy center.

Sound healing is used for many purposes, to affect the brain, organs, healing disease, inducing different states of consciousness, you can either use instruments or chant mantra associated with the energy center.

  • Bija Mantra: “HAM” 
  • Healing Frequency: 741 Hz, cleanses toxins, enhances self-expression.
  • Instruments: Wind chimes, singing bowls in G-note, ocean waves

Color Healing

Color healing works in a similar way, every color has its own frequency and wavelength, you can wear the color, focus on it, breathe it in during meditation, visualize it in the focused area etc.

  • Color: Blue 
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