Third Eye Chakra guide: Meaning, Healing, Balancing

The sixth chakra in the chakra system is third eye chakra, also known as Ajna Chakra.The Sanskrit word ajna means ‘command’ or ‘perception’. This chakra is associated with intuition, inner vision, and higher consciousness.

It is located at the center of the forehead between the eyebrows and acts as a gateway to higher perception. 

There are stages of opening in the third eye, once balanced individuals can see beyond the physical, have vivid dreams, increased synchronicity, it also enables telepathy. 

Ajna chakra is the point where three major nadis ida, pingala and sushumna meet. It is closely linked with the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located deep in the brain. 

This gland regulates circadian rhythms and is sensitive to light. In spiritual traditions, it is thought to be the physical counterpart of ajna, and responsible for heightened awareness and intuition.


Names: Ajna, Brow center, Third eye, Mind’s eye, eye of intuition

Meaning: Perceive, Command

Location: center of the forehead between the eyebrows

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Symbol: Deep blue or indigo lotus with two petals representing duality and unity

Element/Tattva: Light

Element Color: Transparent, luminescent, bluish or camphor white

Element Shape (Yantra): A circle with two petals

Number of Petals: Two-petalled silver-blue lotus

Beeja Mantra/Seed sound: Aum

Frequency: 852 Hz

Seed Sound Carrier: Nada in the form of a crescent

Seed sounds of the petals: hum, ksham

Aspects: Self-realization, intuition

Associated Gland: Pineal gland

Associated Body Parts: Eyes, brain, and nervous system

Senses: ESP (extra sensory perception)

Associated auric layer: The sixth layer Celestial body

Kosha: Vijnanamaya kosha

Air/Vayu prana: Udana

Plane: Plane of austerity

Clair: Clairvoyance


The trigger point of ajna chakra is located at the top of the spine in the centre of the head. It lies in the region of the medulla oblongata and the pineal gland. It lies directly behind the center point between the eyebrows. 


Ajna chakra is traditionally represented by a lotus flower with two petals. On each petal is a letter: ham on the left petal and ksham on the right one inscribed in silver color. 

Ham: represents moon or ida nadi

Ksham: represents sun or pingala nadi

The circle within the petals is white in color representing void. Within the circle is an inverted triangle which represents shakti, above the triangle lies black shiva lingam which symbolizes your astral body. 

Inside the lingam reside Ardhanarishvara  (ardha – half, nari – female, Ishvara -Shiva) and shakti Hakini. Over the shivling is the seed mantra AUM. The seed carrier is nada.

Behavioral Characteristics


  • Overactive imagination and hallucinations, difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy.
  • Obsessed with spiritual visions and psychic phenomena.
  • Disconnected from reality and overly daydreaming.
  • Paranoia and delusions, excessive suspicion, conspiracy thinking.
  • Headaches, migraines or pressure in the forehead.
  • Seeing too many signs and symbols in everything.
  • Difficulty concentrating and mental restlessness.
  • Sleep disturbances, vivid dreams or nightmares.


  • Lack of intuition and difficulty trusting inner guidance.
  • Feeling disconnected from purpose or life direction.
  • Relying too much on logic and dismissing spirituality.
  • Limited imagination and creativity, struggling with new ideas.
  • Difficulty seeing the bigger picture, getting lost in small details.
  • Lack of clarity and indecisiveness, feeling mentally blocked.
  • Poor memory and difficulty visualizing things.
  • Feeling spiritually disconnected or skeptical.


  • Strong intuition and inner knowing.
  • Clear thinking and mental clarity.
  • Good balance between logic and intuition.
  • Creative vision and ability to visualize goals.
  • Deep spiritual awareness and trust in the universe.
  • Ability to see life’s deeper meaning and lessons.
  • Balanced imagination without losing touch with reality.
  • Healthy sleep patterns and vivid dreams.

Practices to balance this chakra

There are various ways to stimulate and balance a chakra, some of them are meditating on the chakra point, yoga exercises, consuming foods that affect organs related to that chakra, sound healing, aromatherapy etc.

Balancing a chakra involves working directly with the chakra point, and body parts associated with it.

Before we move on to the techniques, here are body parts, organs and glands associated with this chakra:

Associated Organs & Body Parts

  • Brain
  • Eyes
  • Nervous system
  • Pituitary gland

Associated Gland

  • Pituitary Gland: The “master gland” that controls hormonal balance and regulates other endocrine glands.

Yoga Exercises

These yogic exercises involve mudras, asanas, pranayama and bandhas that directly work with this chakra. With intention, focus and consistency you are bound to see good results.


  • Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) 
  • Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) 
  • Bhramari Pranayama


  • Yoga Eye Exercises
  • Garudasana: Eagle Pose
  • Makarasana II: Dolphin Pose
  • Sirsasana: Headstand
  • Bakasana: Crane Pose
  • Halasana: Plow Pose


  • Kalesvara Mudra


  • Maha Bandha (Great Lock)

Gazing Exercise

  • Trataka


Crystals are easy to use, every crystal has its own unique frequency just like our energy centers. 

There are many ways to use crystals like programming them with intention and repetition, wearing them or keeping them close, meditating on them, putting them on chakra points etc. 

You don’t need to have them all, just go for the ones you feel drawn to.

  • Amethyst – Purple and translucent, helps with spiritual awareness, intuition and clarity.
  • Labradorite – Dark grey with rainbow flashes, helps with psychic abilities, protection and insight.
  • Fluorite – Multi colored and transparent,helps with mental clarity, focus and developing intuition.
  • Lapis Lazuli – Deep blue in color with gold specks, used for gaining wisdom and inner vision.
  • Azurite –  Crystalline and deep indigo in color, helps with Insight, spiritual awakening and guidance.


Every chakra is associated with a certain part of the brain, aromatherapy influences and stimulates certain parts of the brain which affects the nervous system and body chemistry. 

It’s very powerful, you surely have had experience how foul smells make you feel awful and there are fragrances that uplift mood or create a certain type of environment.

You can use them in multiple ways like using essential oil diffuser for your space, direct application on the chakra point, in baths, direct inhalation or massaging with them. 

  • Clary Sage – Herbal slightly sweet soft scent, helps to enhances inner wisdom and clarity.
  • Rosemary – Woody herbal and slightly minty scent, it improves memory, focus and sight.
  • Juniper – Fresh piney slightly smoky scent, it cleanses negativity and strengthens intuition.
  • Frankincense – Have resinous balsamic and slightly citrusy scent, it awakens higher consciousness and spiritual sight.
  • Mugwort – Have earthy herbal and mystical scent, it helps to induce lucid dreams and psychic awareness.


Food is a really essential part of our lives, it can act as medicine or poison depending on how you use it.

Every chakra is associated with a certain element, gland, body parts and organs, the food mentioned are the ones that affect these parts of the body, not to mention every food has its own vibration, it’s all energy.

  • Dark Purple & Blue Foods – Eggplant, purple cabbage, grapes, prunes, figs
  • Brain-Boosting Foods – Walnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, dark chocolate
  • Eye-Healthy Foods – Carrots, blueberries, leafy greens (rich in vitamin A)
  • Mind-Clarity Drinks – Herbal teas (mugwort, gotu kola), cacao.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is yet another powerful way to work with our energy centers. Sound vibrations affect our brains and body, every organ and energy center in the body has a specific frequency. Using right tuning instruments you can bring balance to any organ or energy center.

Sound healing is used for many purposes, to affect the brain, organs, healing disease, inducing different states of consciousness, you can either use instruments or chant mantra associated with the energy center.

  • Bija Mantra: “OM” 
  • Healing Frequency: 852 Hz, opens intuition and inner vision
  • Instruments: Tuning forks, high-pitched singing bowls in A-note

Color Healing

Color healing works in a similar way, every color has its own frequency and wavelength, you can wear the color, focus on it, breathe it in during meditation, visualize it in the focused area etc.

  • Color: Indigo 
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