How to practice trataka meditation: step by step guide

Every meditational practice aims to improve concentration and focus, trataka is one of the most basic and simplest practices that improves focus easily and can be done by almost anyone. 

This practice doesn’t require much effort and the practitioner can gain many benefits from it regardless of their level.


The Sanskrit word trataka means ‘steady gazing’. Trataka is an ancient yogic exercise used to develop concentration, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness.

The practice of trataka involves gazing at a point or object without blinking the eyes until tears form. 

The object of focus can be either external (outer gazing) or internal (inner gazing) or both.

This technique directs all the mental energy at one point, allowing the mind to turn inwards which in turn increases the latent potential of the mind. It is one of the six Shatkarma (yogic purification).

The purpose of Trataka

While trataka is often recognized for its benefits in strengthening eye muscles and improving vision, its true power lies in its impact on the mind and spirit. 

This practice is a gateway to dharana (concentration), one of the eight limbs of yoga, it helps to silence the mental chatter, purifies the mind, and brings inner stillness.

It is also a very effective practice to open the ajna/third eye chakra, helping to activate inner vision and see beyond the physical.

Object Of Focus

You can choose anything as your object as long as you are drawn to it, once selected try not to change it, work with it.

Usually, a dot or candle is recommended for beginners, they are magnetic for the eyes and easily leave an after-image effect which makes it easier to form an inner image of it. 

Also, some of the objects are quite powerful and can have overwhelming effects on the mind (like darkness or mirror), so it’s recommended to start slow in the beginning and then modify the practice.

Trataka can be done on anything like,

  • A candle
  • A star
  • Moon
  • Sun (when rays are not harmful)
  • Darkness
  • Yantra
  • Deity
  • On your own eyes in a mirror
  • Sigil
  • Symbol
  • Mandala
  • Chakra
  • Mirror
  • Picture of saint/guru
  • Sky
  • A point
  • Your hand
  • Crystal


Objects and their intention

  • Candle flame: Mental clarity, focus, and stress relief
  • Star/Moon/Sun (during safe hours): Cosmic connection, grounding, energy renewal
  • Darkness: Inner stillness, intuitive development
  • Mirror (Own Eyes): Shadow work, self-reflection, emotional healing
  • Yantra/Sacred symbols/sigils: Manifestation, protection, and spiritual growth
  • Mandala/Chakra symbols: Energy balancing, deep meditation
  • Deity image or saint/guru photo: Devotion, spiritual connection, inner peace
  • Sky: Expansiveness, stress relief, mental clarity
  • Your Hand or a Point: Mindfulness, grounding, body awareness
  • Crystal: Energy amplification, focus, and healing

These are just a few objects I’ve mentioned here, you can practice on just anything, it can be a tree, or your palm (in a way helps to see auras). 

It is beneficial as long as the object of focus is something positive or high vibrational since there are objects that are cursed or haunted it is not advisable to perform it on them.

Your Position While Practicing

Sitting is the best position for this practice if your object is something like a candle, a dot, yantra, or a mandala, in short, an object that can be held by you or is internal.

For such objects meditative asanas are the best as they automatically hold the body in the steadiest position without any effort, adding mudras also helps in the process.

But of course, position varies depending on the choice of object as you have to lie down or look up when the object of focus is a star, the sun, or the moon. 

Position of the Object

As for the position of the object make sure it’s:

  • Not too far
  • Not too close
  • Not too above the eye level
  • Not too low from the eye level

Make sure the object is at a comfortable distance.

  • Being too far: causes strain on the eyes, and makes it difficult to retain the object in the mind’s eye.
  • Being too close: causes discomfort.
  • Being above: causes strain in the neck, and makes the neck stiff.
  • Being low: causes strain in the neck, creates a tendency to stoop forewords, causes discomfort to the back

The above is not always true, while it’s true for objects similar to candles like mandalas, a dot, sigils, and so on, there are exceptions like the sun, moon, star, etc.

Make sure you see the object clearly and try not to use spectacles during practice if you have any, it’s best to do it with the naked eye, as trataka will help you to reduce your dependency on them.

Who should avoid it

People with eye conditions or eye disease should avoid this practice, as it can worsen the problem if you recently had any eye-related surgery, wait until things get normal.

Trataka meditation technique

Before performing the technique, to make the most out of it perform it in a clean and calm area, not too breezy not too cold or hot, remove anything that causes body and eye discomfort and as always wear comfortable clothes.

The guidelines are the same for objects like candles.

  • Light a candle and adjust it as per the guidelines for position.
  • Sit in a comfortable posture.
  • Keep your spine straight and relax your body.
  • Become still and close your eyes.
  • Set an intent that you’ll stay focused during the practice.
  • Open your eyes and gaze at the candle flame.
  • Direct your attention, particularly at the top of the wick.
  • Don’t look at anything else but the flame and wick. 
  • Try not to blink or move your eyeballs.
  • But don’t strain your eyes either, if you want to blink then blink with time you’ll improve.
  • Keep your eyes relaxed during this practice.
  • If your mind wanders then simply bring it back to the practice.
  • Try to gaze for 2-3 minutes.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Become aware of the afterimage of the candle, if you can’t see it then just visualize it in your mind’s eye.
  • Stay still and focus on the afterimage.
  • If you see some visions just act as a witness.
  • Once the after image starts to fade away, again open your eyes and repeat the same process.

Duration and Timings

Initially, it is advisable to spend at least 15 minutes a day for the practice to see results, you can also choose to do it two times a day.

The best time to practice it is early in the morning before sunrise or before going to bed, doing trataka before sleep induces vivid dreams.

It is completely okay if an after-image doesn’t form in the beginning or you are unable to gaze at the candle until tears form, with time you will improve.

The reason it is advisable to start from a dot or candle is that practicing with these objects prepares the eye for any other object, and then you can hold your gaze for longer periods.

Benefits of Trataka

There are many benefits of trataka from physical mental emotional to spiritual benefits, some of them are as follows:

  1. Improves focus and concentration
  2. Improves memory retention
  3. Increase mental clarity
  4. Enhance visualization skills
  5. Improves decision-making
  6. Helps to regulate emotions
  7. Reduce stress and anxiety 
  8. Prevents mental fatigue 
  9. Improve problem-solving skills 
  10. Strengthens eye muscles 
  11. Improves vision 
  12. Reduces eye strain from screens 
  13. Stimulates the optic nerve 
  14. Detoxes tear ducts
  15. Relieves headaches and migraines 
  16. Increase self-awareness 
  17. Aids in shadow work 
  18. Reduces overthinking
  19. Strengthens aura 
  20. Activates third eye (Ajna chakra) 
  21. Heightens psychic abilities
  22. Helps to induce lucid dreaming and astral projection 


Trataka is more than just an eye exercise it’s a gateway to heightened awareness, mental clarity, enhanced focus and spiritual sight.

By practicing it mindfully and consistently, you can tap into its vast benefits for both mental and spiritual well-being. 

Start small, remain consistent, and allow this ancient practice to illuminate your life.

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