Crown Chakra guide: Meaning, Healing, Balancing

The Crown Chakra, or Sahasrara, is the seventh and highest energy center in the chakra system. The Sanskrit word sahasrara, means ‘one thousand,’  implies that its magnitude and significance is vast.

Unlike the lower chakras, which are related to physical and psychological aspects of life, Sahasrara transcends the material realm, it acts as a gateway to infinite awareness and divine consciousness. 

It is often depicted as a colorful thousand-petaled lotus, where each petal represents different aspects of divine wisdom and universal intelligence.

When Kundalini Shakti ascends to Sahasrara, the union of Shiva and Shakti occurs, the ultimate merging of the masculine and feminine cosmic forces. At this moment, the illusion of individual self dissolves, and one becomes one with the universe. This is the pinnacle of spiritual awakening, where enlightenment and self-realization is experienced.

Awakening this energy center brings deep states of inner peace, bliss, and an unshakable connection to the divine. 


Names: Sahasrara, Crown

Meaning: Thousand-petaled, lotus of the thousand petals

Location: Top of the cranium, cerebral

Ruling Planet: Ketu

Symbol: A thousand-petaled lotus symbolizing infinite potential and spiritual enlightenment

Element/Tattva: Thought

Element Shape (Yantra): Circle as a full moon

Number of Petals: Thousand-petalled lotus of all colours

Beeja Mantra/Seed sound: Silence

Frequency: 963 Hz

Seed Sound Carrier: The motion of bindu, the dot above the crescent

Seed sounds of the petals: All pure sounds from ah to ksha

Aspects: Union, oneness

Associated Gland: Pituitary gland

Associated Body Parts: Brain, nervous system, and pineal gland

Senses: Beyond physical senses, spiritual awareness

Associated auric layer: The seventh layer the Ketheric Body

Kosha:  Anandmaya Kosha

Air/Vayu prana: Udana

Plane: Plane of truth

Clair: Prophecy

Behavioral Characteristics


  • Feeling disconnected from the physical world, living in a spiritual or intellectual realm.
  • Over-intellectualization, living in the mind, dismissing emotions.
  • Feeling detached from reality and people, aloof, out of touch.
  • Sensitivity to light and overstimulation of senses
  • Frequent headaches, dizziness, or neurological issues


  • Feeling disconnected from spirituality and life purpose.
  • Lack of faith or belief in something greater.
  • Closed-mindedness and rigid thinking, rejecting new perspectives.
  • Feeling lost, hopeless, or lacking direction.
  • Sense of isolation or loneliness, disconnection from self & universe.
  • Depression, existential crisis or apathy.
  • Lack of inspiration and difficulty seeing the bigger picture.
  • Poor sleep and brain fog.


  • Deep spiritual connection and trust in the universe.
  • Feeling at peace with yourself and life’s flow.
  • Clarity, wisdom, and openness to higher knowledge.
  • A sense of purpose and direction.
  • Balanced intellect and spirituality.
  • Compassionate detachment, not overly attached to outcomes.
  • Feeling connected to all beings and the universe.
  • Inner joy and contentment without external validation.

Practices to balance this chakra

There are various ways to stimulate and balance a chakra, some of them are meditating on the chakra point, yoga exercises, consuming foods that affect organs related to that chakra, sound healing, aromatherapy etc.

Balancing a chakra involves working directly with the chakra point, and body parts associated with it.

Before we move on to the techniques, here are body parts, organs and glands associated with this chakra:

Associated Organs & Body Parts

  • Brain
  • Nervous system
  • Skull

Associated Gland

  • Pineal Gland: Regulates sleep-wake cycles through melatonin and is linked to spiritual awakening.

Yoga Exercises

These yogic exercises involve mudras, asanas, pranayama and bandhas that directly work with this chakra. With intention, focus and consistency you are bound to see good results.


  • Sudarshan Kriya 
  • Silent Meditation with Breath Awareness


  • Apanasana: Knees to Chest Pose
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Bridge Pose
  • Sirsasana: Headstand
  • Natarajasana: Dancer Pose
  • Urdhva Dhanurasana: Wheel Pose
  • Savasana: Corpse Pose


  • Sahasrara Mudra – Touch all fingertips together.


  • Maha Bandha (Great Lock)


Crystals are easy to use, every crystal has its own unique frequency just like our energy centers. 

There are many ways to use crystals like programming them with intention and repetition, wearing them or keeping them close, meditating on them, putting them on chakra points etc. 

You don’t need to have them all, just go for the ones you feel drawn to.

  • Clear Quartz – Its colorless crystalline, very high vibrational helps to raise vibration.
  • Selenite – White in color with satin-like glow, used for peace, and purification.
  • Amethyst – Purple and translucent, used to attain higher wisdom, for intuition and in meditation.
  • Lepidolite – Purple with mica sparkles, good for stress, forming spiritual connection and emotional balance
  • White Calcite – Milky white, it expands consciousness and clears negative energy.


Every chakra is associated with a certain part of the brain, aromatherapy influences and stimulates certain parts of the brain which affects the nervous system and body chemistry. 

It’s very powerful, you surely have had experience how foul smells make you feel awful and there are fragrances that uplift mood or create a certain type of environment.

You can use them in multiple ways like using essential oil diffuser for your space, direct application on the chakra point, in baths, direct inhalation or massaging with them.

  • Frankincense – Have resinous balsamic and slightly citrusy scent, can be used during meditation, for better experience.
  • Lavender – Have a soft herbal fresh scent, it soothes the mind, its incense can be used during meditation. 
  • Sandalwood – Have a warm creamy and woody type of scent, it elevates mood and promotes inner peace.
  • Myrrh – Have earthy balsamic slightly bitter scent, used for grounding and purification.
  • Lotus – Have a very delicate floral and mystical scent, it expands spiritual insight and cosmic connection.


Food is a really essential part of our lives, it can act as medicine or poison depending on how you use it.

Every chakra is associated with a certain element, gland, body parts and organs, the food mentioned are the ones that affect these parts of the body, not to mention every food has its own vibration, it’s all energy.

  • Light & High-Vibrational Foods – Coconut, white mushrooms, cauliflower, onions, garlic
  • Detoxifying Beverages – Herbal teas (lavender, lotus, chamomile), pure water
  • Sacred & Fasting Foods – Honey, fasting practices, fresh air, sunlight
  • Minimalist Foods – Light plant-based meals, pranic foods, and natural juices

Sound Healing

Sound healing is yet another powerful way to work with our energy centers. Sound vibrations affect our brains and body, every organ and energy center in the body has a specific frequency. Using right tuning instruments you can bring balance to any organ or energy center.

Sound healing is used for many purposes, to affect the brain, organs, healing disease, inducing different states of consciousness, you can either use instruments or chant mantra associated with the energy center.

  • Bija Mantra: Silent OM or “AH”
  • Healing Frequency: 963 Hz, activates connection to the universe.
  • Instruments: Tibetan bells, crystal bowls, ethereal chimes

Color Healing

Color healing works in a similar way, every color has its own frequency and wavelength, you can wear the color, focus on it, breathe it in during meditation, visualize it in the focused area etc.

  • Color: Violet / White 
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