Mooladhara, the first chakra also known as root chakra or base center is the lowest and densest energy center in the chakra system.
The Sanskrit word moola means ‘root’ or ‘base’, the word adhara means ‘support’. Therefore, the word mooladhara translates to ‘the basic support’, and is also known as the support center.
This chakra center is the seat of kundalini shakti, which is said to be lying dormant in the form of a coiled serpent.
Kundalini represents the latent potential in a human being. Once aroused it makes its way upward through the sushumna nadi till it reaches the sahasrara where the ultimate experience of enlightenment occurs.
Mooladhara is directly associated with the Ajna chakra, stimulating it helps to stimulate the brow center and vice versa.
This chakra carries ancestral memories, soul’s karma; and it acts as a foundation for higher chakras.
Names: muladhara/mooladhara, root chakra, base chakra, support center.
Meaning: The basic support/base support
Location: At the base of the spine between the coccyx (tailbone) and the perineum.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Symbol: A square surrounded by four red petals and eight spears. Inside the square, a downward-pointing triangle encloses the seed sign.
Element/Tattva: Earth
Element Color: Yellow
Element Shape (Yantra): Square
Number of Petals: Four-petalled deep red lotus
Beeja Mantra/Seed sound: LAM
Frequency: 396 Hz
Seed Sound Carrier: The Elephant Airavata
Seed sounds of the petals: vam , sham , sham , sam
Deity: Brahma
Shakti: Dakini
Ruler: Ganesha, the elephant-headed god
Aspects: Safety, security
Associated Gland: Adrenal gland
Associated Body Parts: Skeletal system, bones, anus, rectum, coccyx
Sense Organ: Nose
Predominant sense: Smelling
Associate auric layer: The first layer, Etheric layer
Kosha: Annamaya kosha
Air/Vayu prana: Apana
Plane: Physical plane
Clair: Clairgustance
It’s in the perineum region, and is slightly different for men and women.
- For Males: midway between the anus and the sexual organ, a centimetre or so above the skin surface.
- For Females: at the cervix, where the vagina and the uterus join.
How to feel the trigger point
Trigger point for a chakra is the point where it is located along the spine, trigger point is different from the chakra region, the chakra region the area occupied by the chakra rotation.
This practice will help you to feel the trigger point of this chakra.
- Perform moola bandha.
- Simultaneously do your best to focus on the chakra’s location.
- Continue this for a few minutes.
- Let go of moola bandha.
- Release and contract the trigger point rhythmically.
- Direct all your attention to the point of contraction.
- Do this for a few minutes.
- Release all physical contractions.
- Simply focus on the pulse, direct all your attention to it.
- Sensitivity to the trigger point will increase with practice.
Mooladhara chakra is traditionally represented by a lotus flower with four deep crimson petals. On each petal is a letter: vam, sham, sham, sam written in gold.

The four petals represent the four important mental modifications
Vam: State of greatest joy (paramananda)
Sham: State of natural pleasure (sahajananda)
Sham: The delight in the control of passions (virananda)
Sam: The blissfulness in concentration (yogananda)
In the pericarp is a yellow square, symbol of the earth element, surrounded by eight golden spears, four at each corner and four at the cardinal points.
The yantra is supported by the elephant airavata with seven trunks. The seven trunks are the color of the rainbow and the elephant is in white color.
On the back of the elephant is an inverted triangle containing shivling, a serpent is wrapped three-and-a-half times around the lingam, this represents the kundalini.
On the top of the inverted triangle is the seed mantra LAM on which Lord Ganesha and devi Dakini reside.
Behavioral Characteristics
- Aggressiveness and controlling behavior, over-dominance, territorial attitude.
- Material obsession over-attachment to money, possessions or security.
- Excessive fear of change, resistance to new experiences, extreme rigidity.
- Greed and hoarding tendencies.
- Hypervigilance and paranoia, always on edge, fear of danger even when safe.
- Overeating or weight gain (look for security through food)
- Feel sluggish or heavy.
- Addiction to survival instincts like food, sex, materialism.
- Overly competitive or manipulative behavior.
- Constipation and digestive issues (holding on too tightly)
- Feeling disconnected and ungrounded, dissociation and “floating” feeling.
- Lack of stability, financial, emotional, or physical insecurity.
- Chronic fear and anxiety, constant worry, nervousness, panic.
- Lack of discipline and motivation, difficulty taking action, feeling lost.
- Low self-esteem and feeling unworthy.
- Fatigue and exhaustion, low energy, easily drained.
- Poor focus and inability to complete tasks.
- Fear of abandonment or feeling unsupported.
- Cold feet, poor circulation, and joint pain in legs/knees.
- You feel safe and secure emotionally, physically, and financially.
- Grounded and present in the moment.
- Confident but not aggressive.
- Good physical energy and endurance.
- Healthy relationship with money and material needs.
- Trust in life and resilience in challenges.
- Sense of belonging and connection to the world.
- Stable and disciplined without rigidity.
- Strong digestion, healthy weight, and steady circulation.
Practices to balance this chakra
There are various ways to stimulate and balance a chakra, some of them are meditating on the chakra point, yoga exercises, consuming foods that affect organs related to that chakra, sound healing, aromatherapy etc.
Balancing a chakra involves working directly with the chakra point, and body parts associated with it.
Before we move on to the techniques, here are body parts, organs and glands associated with this chakra:
Organs & Body Parts
- Spine
- Legs, knees, feet
- Large intestine
- Rectum
- Bones
- Immune system
- Adrenal Gland: which is responsible for fight-or-flight response and stress management.

Yoga Exercises
These yoga exercises involve mudras, asanas, pranayama and bandhas that directly work with this chakra. With intention, focus and consistency you are bound to see good results.

- Deep Belly Breathing
- Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)
- Balasana: Child’s Pose
- Tadasana: Standing Mountain Pose
- Bharmanasana: Table Pose
- Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend Pose
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Bridge Pose
- Salabhasana: Locust and Half Locust Pose
- Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose
- Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog Pose
- Uttanasana: Standing Forward Fold
- Utkatasana: Awkward Chair Pose
- Vrksasana: Tree Pose
- Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend
- Prithvi Mudra – Touch the tip of the ring finger to the thumb.
Gazing Technique
- Nasikagra Drishti (nose tip gazing)
- Moola Bandha (perineal contraction)
Crystals are easy to use, every crystal has its own unique frequency just like our energy centers.
There are many ways to use crystals like programming them with intention and repetition, wearing them or keeping them close, meditating on them, putting them on chakra points etc.
You don’t need to have them all, just go for the ones you feel drawn to.
- Red Jasper – Deep red in color, used for strength, endurance and grounding
- Black Tourmaline – Black in color, used for protection and removing negative energy.
- Hematite – Metallic silver/black in color, used for grounding, focus, and emotional stability.
- Smoky Quartz – Looks brownish-grey translucent, helps to dispels fear and provides security.
- Garnet – Looks dark red semi-transparent, helps with passion, courage and energy balance.
Every chakra is associated with a certain part of the brain, aromatherapy influences and stimulates certain parts of the brain which affects the nervous system and body chemistry.
It’s very powerful, you surely have had experience how foul smells make you feel awful and there are fragrances that uplift mood or create a certain type of environment.
You can use them in multiple ways like using essential oil diffuser for your space, direct application on the chakra point, in baths, direct inhalation or massaging with them.
- Patchouli – Have earthy musky and rich scent, used for grounding, balance, and security.
- Cedarwood – Have a woody warm and slightly smoky scent, used for strength, emotional stability and connection to earth.
- Vetiver – Have deep smokey and earthy scent, used for protection, stability, and inner peace.
- Frankincense – Have resinous balsamic and slightly citrusy, used for grounding and purification.
- Clove – Have a spicy warm and rich scent it helps to boost vitality and courage.
Food is a really essential part of our lives, it can act as medicine or poison depending on how you use it.
Every chakra is associated with a certain element, gland, body parts and organs, the food mentioned are the ones that affect these parts of the body, not to mention every food has its own vibration, it’s all energy.
- Root Vegetables – Carrots, potatoes, beets, radishes, onions, garlic
- Red Fruits – Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, pomegranates
- Protein & Minerals – Lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, red meat
- Whole Grains – Brown rice, quinoa, oats, rye
Sound Healing
Sound healing is yet another powerful way to work with our energy centers. Sound vibrations affect our brains and body, every organ and energy center in the body has a specific frequency. Using right tuning instruments you can bring balance to any organ or energy center.
Sound healing is used for many purposes, to affect the brain, organs, healing disease, inducing different states of consciousness, you can either use instruments or chant mantra associated with the energy center.
- Bija Mantra: “LAM” either chant or use an audio.
- Healing Frequency: 396 Hz it releases fear and guilt.
- Instruments: Drums, deep-toned sounds, didgeridoo.
Color Healing
Color healing works in a similar way, every color has its own frequency and wavelength, you can wear the color, focus on it, breathe it in during meditation, visualize it in the focused area etc.
- Color: Red